First off we moved, bad time of year to move, but so worth it! Our new house is just stunning, and coming home from work was like going on a little mini-break every night! We are all settled in, a few things to still unpack and sort through, but hey, I'm on holidays now so I have plenty of time!

This is home, sweet home! There is so much space, and light, and no mould or mildew like the old place. Not to mention the fact that this house is not falling down around us! This picture is of the lounge room. We are really very happy here!
School finishing was a blessing, but also non stressful. Most years I get sick at the end of the year because it has been so full on. I think the major difference this year has been that I have had my weekends to myself. I don't have to do any gigs, I can just chill out and recuperate. I loved doing DJing and Karaoke, but I can tell you now I do not miss the late nights, lifting heavy equipment and the drunken so-and-so's that I would have to deal with at least once a week, and sometimes more.
I'm so proud of all of my kids, one even took out the prize for the top mark in one of his subjects! And if I could talk about everything this kid is going through, you would be just as amazed and proud of him as I am!
The formal was beautiful, and so laid back! Unlike my old school, the formal was purely a time to enjoy each others company and celebrate our kids finishing school. There was no ceremony as this was done at a school assembly, just dinner and drinks with the kids and their families, as well as some funny videos the kids made to have a dig at the teachers and of course the teachers response!
Last day of work blew my mind! They way they look after staff is amazing. I'm used to using the last day to do secret Santa and clean up then we go out for dinner that night with whichever staff want to come. This year I was surprised to find that our last day consisted of being shouted lunch at this beautiful resort which was compulsory for all staff, where we gave our secret santa's their gifts and the leadership team gave each and every person a box of chocolates and 2 movie tickets! The cards the leadership team wrote were just amazing, they had me in tears, just to be encouraged like that was amazing and has made me really appreciate the school I am at and the fact that they take none of us for granted and they care as much about their staff as they do the kids.
So now I'm in my first week of holidays! Holidays I was hanging out for because this time last year we were packing, moving 7 hours away from friends and family, going back home for Christmas, New Years and our wedding, and then freaking out cause the floods meant we only got to our new home a couple of days before I started my new job, plus the added stress of hubby not having a job to come to.
I'm actually relaxing! Hubby has a full time job, I could put my Christmas decorations up this year, and there is no financial stress! God has really blessed us!

My Christmas tree, which now has some presents underneath!

I love having the lights on at night, it puts me in my happy place!

Lights on the doors out to the balcony. They make me happy too!

The most Christmassy nails I could get done!
Tomorrow mother-in-law and hubbies 2 little brothers come, followed by father-in-law closer to Christmas. It's exciting to have kids here for Christmas. The only down side is that I can't see my family over Christmas because of my dads work, and my brother, sister-in-law and nephew are going to spend Christmas in Perth. I am hoping that maybe I will get to see them early in the new year if we can get down or they can get up.
Also coming up this week is the Rockhampton Christmas Carols in the music bowl, which I get to sing at. Very excited! I have done carols before but this is a rather large event in Rocky and they go all out for it.
Well I think that has everyone up to speed. Until next time!
Hey Min; Wish we were going to be there for both the Carols & Christmas. Hopefully we can get to see U both in the New Year. We love you both very much and glad to see that all is going well. God is good and will bring us all thru the rough bits. The house looks great and can't wait to see it. Luv ya's heaps. Dad & Mum (PS. Mum might write something of her own when she gets home - Dad)
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