I was told that the first year of marriage is hard.
I was told that it is hard because you have to get used to living with someone 24/7, you have to get used to sleeping next to someone, their habits, snoring and differing opinions etc. etc.
I was told that you really have to learn how to listen, how to express your opinions/thoughts without hurting the other person.
I was told that communication is the key, you have to become better communicators and solve problems together.
I was told that all of this is really hard.
Is it weird that I don't find this hard at all?
David and I have been married for 7 months. We haven't had a fight, we are on the same wave length. We enjoy each others company, and we each put the other first.
We have been together for nearly 2 years. We haven't had a fight.
We respect each others individuality, but don't do life as individuals. We do life together.
Maybe if we had been closer to home things would have been different. We are in a situation where our closest friends and immediate family (I have aunties, uncles and cousins where we are living now) are far away from us. We are really all we have (although I know if we ever needed anything one of the extended family would be here in a heartbeat).
Maybe, even though we hate being so far from home, it has been a blessing in disguise because it has really made us rely on each other.
Maybe it's because we are a bit older. We didn't meet each other until our late 20's and now David has passed into the realm of 30's and I will be there next year.
Maybe it's because we appreciate each other and how long it took to find one another.
Maybe things will change when we have kids (it's bound to).
Whatever it is I am so very greatful for the marriage I have. I know things will change over the years, and that I can't live in my little bubble of wedded bliss forever. But right now, I really appreciate my husband and our life together. I wouldn't wish for anyone else but him.
Then again, maybe we are just the bomb-diggity.
Why Does Your Baby Dream?
When you observe your baby smile or move while they sleep, you might start
to wonder if they’re dreaming. It’s not surprising; research indicates
adults ...
2 years ago
you are the bomb!
and yes...kids do change the dynamic...in a good way...an exhausting way, but good
Can't wait to be a mum...It's the next big adventure!
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