I'm 28....29 in just over a week. I have spent most of my adult life alone, independent. I have been married for nearly 7 months, not an overly long time, but in that time I have lost my ability to be alone.
My husband went to visit his family this week. Something that is important and he needed to do, but he will never be doing it alone again.
It's been a hard week. I never knew that it was possible to miss someone so much, but a week without him has seemed like an eternity.
It's funny that we are perfectly capable of spending time alone in different parts of the house doing our own thing, but when it comes to him not being here, I really don't like it.
I like that I'm not so independent anymore. I like that I have someone to rely on. I like coming home to someone.
I haven't slept much, and when I do I have to go to sleep with the TV on to compensate for his snoring. When he was working night shift I could fall asleep just fine, knowing that he would be home about 4am and I would wake up next to him. Waking up alone sucks, I can't do it anymore.
I guess it really is true that when you love someone and get married you really do become two people living one life as one. When the other person is gone, things just don't feel right.
I miss him so much, and it has only been a week. I could not and don't want to imagine what life would be like without him in it. The only thing that has gotten me through is hearing his voice every night.
I'm so excited that I get to see him tomorrow. I'm flying down for work stuff and he will meet me at my parent's house. We will get to celebrate my dad's birthday together, and mine, and then we will both be home again on Tuesday.
I'm glad this week is over. Next time we are both going together when we both have time off work.
Why Does Your Baby Dream?
When you observe your baby smile or move while they sleep, you might start
to wonder if they’re dreaming. It’s not surprising; research indicates
adults ...
2 years ago
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