Last week I was down in Brisbane for some professional development. I love professional development, 1. because I like learning new things, and the area of Learning Support is extremely interesting, and 2. because I get to see my family.
This trip was especially well timed because it was Dad's birthday (and soon mine). One of the biggest things for me living so far away from my family is that I miss out on special occasions. I missed my nephews 4th birthday and my brother's birthday as well. We are a close family, and birthdays have always been the time when we get together for a family dinner.
I was so happy to be able to spend Dad's birthday with him. Even better, David was still visiting his family, so I got to see my husband after a week without him.
It was such a nice evening, mum even had my birthday dinner then too because it will just be David and I for mine this week. The only low point was that my nephew was sick so my brother and sister-in-law couldn't come.
The next night (I was lucky enough to not have to fly back straight after my PD) was my brothers graduation from studying his PhD. He's Dr Dan now and I am very proud of him, even if he did look funny in his Harry Potter robes and floppy hat.
Unfortunately my sister-in-law and nephew couldn't be there (Will was still sick), Daniel was disappointed they couldn't be there, but Will was so sick it was impossible. Poor little thing had to be taken to hospital when Dan got home that night.
Congratulations Dr. Dan! Very proud of you big brother!
Why Does Your Baby Dream?
When you observe your baby smile or move while they sleep, you might start
to wonder if they’re dreaming. It’s not surprising; research indicates
adults ...
2 years ago
He does look a little like Harry Potter. But FANTASTIC !!! what an amazing achievement! You all must be so very very proud! <3
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