This was at 1770 going on a sunset cruise. One of the only places in Australia that you can watch both sunrise and sunset over the eastern ocean. Also you can watch the sunset over the water then over the land. I don't know how this works, but it is pretty cool.

This was at 1770 also. I was looking at the view and I turned around and David had gone. I must admit I did panic for a little bit but decided to walk back to the car. As I turned the corner I found him, up a rock!

My big brother's Phd graduation. Nice to see that becoming a Dr. Hasn't made him go all serious.

Rockhampton has a free zoo. It isn't big, it isn't that special, but we still enjoy going there and having a wander around if we just want to get out of the house for a bit.

I remember David calling me out to the front balcony because I just had to see the sunset. Of course I had to take some pics of him which he graciously allowed me to do...because he is so cute...I mean manly.

Mum and dad came up for a visit so we went and stayed with them over the weekend in the unit they had rented. Saw this rainbow one morning and it made me really happy.

David is very artistic himself. He is into 3D modeling on the computer. He loves to go and take photos of textures so he can use them in his creations. I just love how he looks when he is thinking. Here he is checking out his photos, I couldn't resist snapping a pic.
You probably have seen most of these before, but well I honestly don't have any new material. These are just some of my favs.
I will tell you that I am planning a one off vlog to show you around our new house when we pick up the keys next week so stay tuned. And I shall break out the camera again soon I promise. Christmas holidays are coming up soon and I will need to occupy myself for 7 weeks while David has to work.
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