1. Well obviously it's my husband, although mostly in the mornings we just want to stay in bed (get your mind out of the gutter). I always know when he is awake because he pulls me in close and just holds me. It's the best part of my day, and the day just doesn't feel right without it. The alarm is always set that little bit earlier so we can just lay there and snuggle for a little while.
As for actually getting out of bed. Mostly it's because my husband is proud of me, the job I have and he things I have accomplished. I love that he is proud of me, it's important that he is proud of me, and it makes me proud of myself. Not that I wasn't proud before, I just never really thought about it much.
2. My kids. I have such a special bunch of kids at school. They are amazing. They aren't the brightest, most academic kids, but I'm proud of them. I have watched them grow so much over this year and gain confidence in themselves. I love to celebrate every little victory with them, and my heart breaks when they are in pain over something.
I want to be there for them. I want to see them mature into amazing men and women, and I want them to know that there is always someone who loves them and is proud of them.
3. I love life. I love everything about it. Sure it has it's ups and downs, but it wouldn't be interesting if it didn't. Life is full of more fun stuff than bad stuff even though we mostly only remember the bad. I am truly blessed in my life, I have family and friends who love me, an amazing husband, a job I love, a beautiful new house that we are moving into next week. Life is good, even when it is sometimes hard, I know I am truly blessed.
4. Facebook. I know, it's kind of "what the" but seriously, what would I do without it? I live so far away from family and friends that a little time on Facebook everyday keeps me up to date with the people I love. I love the pictures posted of my nephew so I can still watch him grow up, and I love knowing that my family and friends are safe, loved and enjoying life.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Why Does Your Baby Dream?
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