So our horrendous week has nearly come to an end. David is much happier seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and him being happy makes me happy.
Yesterday was our 6 month anniversary, and even though we went away for the weekend last week, we decided we would take advantage of David's only day off this week to go to lunch together. It was only Sizzler, but hey it got us out of the house, and me out of cooking!
In other news, I have successfully completed my first week of Uni for this Term. I'm only doing one subject, but working full time I think this is the wisest idea, at least until I get back into "study mode".
The Subject is "Social Foundations of Psychology". This week I learnt about Intelligence. It really is very interesting stuff and I really am very proud of myself for organising time to watch the lecture, read my text book, complete the labs and do the study questions.
Part of our assessment every week is to take part in an eFil quiz. Basically on Friday we answer 4 multiple choice questions, then on Saturday a forum opens so we can discuss why we chose those answers. On Sunday we get to re-sit the same quiz. The Sunday quiz is the one that is marked, and I am pretty confident, after going back over notes and the text that I can get 100% when Ire-sit on Sunday. Good to know as well that other people are just as stumped over one of the questions as myself. Makes me feel like it really is a level playing field and I can actually do well in this.
And so this is how my week ends, happy again, and very proud of myself.
Why Does Your Baby Dream?
When you observe your baby smile or move while they sleep, you might start
to wonder if they’re dreaming. It’s not surprising; research indicates
adults ...
2 years ago
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