So here I begin...again.
I have had many unsuccessful blogs in the past, mostly because I easily become bored and want to try something new. This time my something new has brought me full circle back to Blogger.
Some introductions are in order, not for those who know me, but for those who just may happen to stop by.
My name is Kristin, I'm married to David. Like every good wife I'm slightly biased when I say that he is the most amazing husband anyone could wish for. I'm also well aware that having only been married for six months, I'm still in the "honeymoon" period.
Straight after the wedding David and I packed up and moved 7 hours away from our family and friends to Northern Queensland because of an awesome job opportunity for me. I am thankful every day that David agreed to come on this adventure with me, because I know what a sacrifice this has been for him.
I am a teacher, it's a job that I love. I have a passion for seeing kids reach their potential. I don't like to give up on kids. I don't care if they are academic or not, each one is unique and has the potential to become someone great. Most of the time they just need someone to believe in them, and if that is all I do then I believe that I have at least planted the seed for their success.
I love to sing, and I'm quite good at it.
I love photography, it's a little side project for me.
I am about to start a Grad Dip in Psychology, I'm doing it because there are so many kids suffering from depression, anorexia, low self-esteem etc. and I want to know how to best reach them.
That's really about it. I live a simple life, and I'm still learning about life, myself, and the person I really want to be.
Why Does Your Baby Dream?
When you observe your baby smile or move while they sleep, you might start
to wonder if they’re dreaming. It’s not surprising; research indicates
adults ...
2 years ago
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