Apart from the last post life is pretty good. I was pretty stressed for a while because David so desperately wanted to move home. He hasn't adjusted so well to life in the Beef Capital, but then again it isn't exactly my favorite place either. This, however, is where we are at this point in time and whilst it isn't forever, it isn't such a bad life.
I have spent the majority of this school term looking for work back home. I promised David I would, so I did. Even had a few phone interviews and lots of interest. Apparently I'm "hot property". As much as I wanted David to be happy, it just didn't feel right at this point in time to move home. But he is my world and so must come first. Jobs come and go, but family is forever.
I guess God had other plans for us, because He has provided the means by which David is happy to stay, and the pressure is now off me to find work (it is easier for me to find full time work being a teacher). My wonderful, most beautiful Aunty made it possible for David to have a job interview for a Dock job (logistics), and the powers that be really liked David. He now has a full time job at Yeppoon by the beach working week days until about 5pm and every weekend off!
This is just perfect for us. David hasn't had a full time job before. Don't get me wrong, he is an extremely hard worker and has worked full time hours (and the rest, 70 hour weeks were not conducive to a happy married life), but has always been classed as a "sub contractor" with the "pain in the arse" job of taking care of his own tax and super, and no paid holidays!
Now we finally both have full time jobs which means that we can start thinking about a family within the next year! I'm a little excited about that. But more so I'm excited that he is happy. He is working with people, not just on his own in a taxi, so he can make friends. He isn't working all hours of the night, I get to see him every night and every weekend! And to top it off, when the lease runs out on the place we are in, we will be moving out to the beach, I can dig that!
It feels as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and it is so nice to hear the confidence back in his voice, and his willingness to start a family now he feels he can provide for us.
A big THANK YOU to Aunty Chris who got him the interview, I know he had to get the job on his own merrits, but you were instrumental to getting him there, we will be forever greatful!
I love the fact that I don't have to leave a job and kids that I love, and I'm looking forward to what next year will bring (especially the whole trying for a baby thing).
Why Does Your Baby Dream?
When you observe your baby smile or move while they sleep, you might start
to wonder if they’re dreaming. It’s not surprising; research indicates
adults ...
2 years ago
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