Why Does Your Baby Dream?
When you observe your baby smile or move while they sleep, you might start
to wonder if they’re dreaming. It’s not surprising; research indicates
adults ...
The cutie bed
Spot the child..... I went to check on Will and this is what I found, he
created himself what he calls the cutie bed at the other end. Whatever
keeps them...
Facebook is evil thing sometimes
I have discovered that no one likes me posting anything negative on
Facebook. I try not to. But when I want a vague whinge I get slammed.
Whereas I watch a...
October - November, 2013
Hey Everyone,
Can't believe how quickly the weeks are flying by. Of course, every week
down means we're getting closer to our baby being born. The due da...
Money Money Money!!
Do you ever have those days where you wish you owned three mansions and a
private jet? Every now and again I throw off the shackles of contentment
and b...
We have a couple of kookaburras that live in the gum tree out the back. I see them everyday. This morning Mr Kookaburra came to visit on my back verandah. Nice start to the day!
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