Thursday, 22 September 2011

New Things

Posted by Unknown at 16:57 0 comments
In keeping with my "perfect little housewife" theme, I have been trying new things. Yesterday I did Jamie Oliver's "6 hour slow cooked pork roast", which was perfect if I do say so myself. I've never cooked a pork roast before so I was rather surprised that this recipe seems fool proof. I suggest you go Google it and try it, because it is amazing!

Today I baked bread. In fact as I am typing I am enjoying one of the cheese, bacon and tomato pesto bread rolls I just pulled out of the oven. I have never made them before, but I am getting pretty good at looking up recipes online and trying them out. I must say they taste amazing!

This is what they looked like before.

And this is after! And oh my Lordy do they taste good. Should get the thumbs up from hubby. Maybe tomorrow I will make a cheese and bacon scroll. It can't be that hard right?

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Perfect Little Housewife

Posted by Unknown at 08:04 0 comments
What to do today?
Pretty sure I'm the perfect little housewife, while I'm on holidays anyway.

Yesterday I washed dooners and sheets, towels, and clothes. I took my car to the carwash, although I didn't have to do much but sit there while the carwash attacked my car. I went to the shops and bought David some new socks and pluggers (things, flip flops, wherever in the world you are), and a Bocci set, which he has wanted for ages and is determined to take me to a park to play today. I also bought a coffee table and started my spring clean on the lounge room....oh and also cooked dinner and made these perfect scones!

Today, I think I will finish the lounge, do the floors, clean the bathroom and start on the folding in my room.

Then, when my pay comes through I will go to the shops and get some stuff for a picnic for our Bocci date. David finishes early on Wednesday's so he should be home by 3pm.

I even have a pork roast to put on...if it is defrosted in time, if not I will cook it tomorrow.

I like this not working thing, I could get used to this! Pity that if I don't work I don't get paid, that part kinda sucks, while I work i get paid for my holidays! Bring on babies and maternity leave pay!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Bubble Pop

Posted by Unknown at 16:42 0 comments
Ever played that bubble pop game? Because I have. More specifically there is a version for iPad that has a "chill out" mode. Basically you just keep going....and going...and going. How this could possibly chill anyone out I have no idea. Personally I find that it pisses me off. I mean it just keeps going. There is no end to it. There is no " yay I beat my high score", just going and going....and going.

So I try to make it a little more interesting ticks me off even more. See I had this idea that it would be really cool to challenge myself to fill the board with just one colour. Pretty cool idea if you ask me. However, every time I try....this happens!

Do you see that?! "what are you too good for your home you little loser red, blue and yellow bubbles! Green is way better than you because green has friends!"

Problem Is that if I pop some of the green ones....well they all go and I have to start again, and I have started again so many times with the exact same outcome.

Stop playing if it pisses me off so much you say? Well I could do that, but then again I could take a pencil and stick it in my eye, and I'm not about to do that. I'm stubborn enough to keep trying. Maybe one day I will get it. Until then I will continue with my "hate the world" attitude until those stupid little bubbles learn their place, "what are you too good for your home?"

That is all.


Posted by Unknown at 10:00 0 comments
I love holidays. It's that time when I get to catch up on everything I have no time for during the school term, like spring cleaning.

There is something about spring that makes me want to have everything beautiful. Winter is kind of depressing with everything locked up, and this year it was an overcast and wet winter...which is very unusual for the Capricorn Coast. Now it is bright and sunshiny and makes me happy. All of the windows are open and every day I am doing a little bit here and there (don't want to be cranky when the hubby gets home cause I'm all tired and stinky from washing walls and cupboards etc).

So right now on day 2 of my holidays, my kitchen is fantastically spotless. I wish I could say the same for the lounge room, but I can't. Maybe tomorrow I will, but probably not because today I'm going to wash donors and sheets and probably put away those clean clothes that have been sitiing in a basket on the floor of our room for....oh so long.

It's times like this I am glad I don't have kids yet, because I'm so not organized enough for them yet. Will have to get organized pretty quickly 1. Because we are moving in a month or two, and 2. Because husband has finally agreed to start a family next year now that he has full time work and a stable job, squeeeeeeeeee. God willing by this time next year I should be just about ready to pop...or already popped if the kid turns out to be just as impatient as me.

Now I'm off that little tangent, as for the rest of my holidays, well there is studying for my exam, and more spring cleaning, starting to pack to make the move easier. I'm going to go get my nails done with my cousin at some point this week, and I might just go shopping today after the washing is done. I know you are all jelous right now :) and are probably thinking of all the wicked come backs generally thrown at teachers because of the amount of paid holidays we get eve year. Tell you something though, we deserve every one of them. I'm so tired at the end of term I generally spend the first week just recovering (I'm surprised I have the energy I do have this this holidays). I generally get sick in the first week of holidays, the whole running on adrenalin thing is very real for teachers. Luckily I'm just a little sniffly.

Maybe it was how well term 3 ended this year. A lot happened this term and I was so drained, but it all ended well (that's another post I promise I will write as soon as I know how). Maybe things are easier this year cause I have a husband and best friend to come home to every night and debrief so I'm not bottling things up as I tend to do. Whatever it is I'm just glad that I have enough energy to actually enjoy my holidays this term.

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