So I try to make it a little more interesting ticks me off even more. See I had this idea that it would be really cool to challenge myself to fill the board with just one colour. Pretty cool idea if you ask me. However, every time I try....this happens!

Do you see that?! "what are you too good for your home you little loser red, blue and yellow bubbles! Green is way better than you because green has friends!"
Problem Is that if I pop some of the green ones....well they all go and I have to start again, and I have started again so many times with the exact same outcome.
Stop playing if it pisses me off so much you say? Well I could do that, but then again I could take a pencil and stick it in my eye, and I'm not about to do that. I'm stubborn enough to keep trying. Maybe one day I will get it. Until then I will continue with my "hate the world" attitude until those stupid little bubbles learn their place, "what are you too good for your home?"
That is all.
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