Not my drama, thank God. I was just having a moment and thanking God that there is no drama in my life. it exhausting you know. it takes so much energy, but accomplishes absolutely nothing.
I look at my life, I have a good job, wonderful family and friends, and a husband that loves me...and who i'm yet to have a fight with. No drama *looks around* nope none hiding there.
See the problem with having drama, is that you turn into a drama queen. You can hide it for a while, fly under the radar a bit, but when someone finds you out it's all "shock horror, not me?!" It's true, that's how it happens. The biggest problem is that you can only hide the "real" you for so long before everyone sees you for who you are. And then, you lose everything.
This is the point where the drama can take over, you move on to a new bunch of friends who don't really know you, and spin the same crap to them that got you in trouble the first time. Or, you can finally wake up, stop being a child, wake up to yourself and start to accept responsibility for your actions.
like I said, drama is exhausting, I'd rather not have it.
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