Blogs I Follow
Why Does Your Baby Dream? - When you observe your baby smile or move while they sleep, you might start to wonder if they’re dreaming. It’s not surprising; research indicates adults ...2 years ago
The cutie bed - Spot the child..... I went to check on Will and this is what I found, he created himself what he calls the cutie bed at the other end. Whatever keeps them...11 years ago
Facebook is evil thing sometimes - I have discovered that no one likes me posting anything negative on Facebook. I try not to. But when I want a vague whinge I get slammed. Whereas I watch a...10 years ago
October - November, 2013 - Hey Everyone, Can't believe how quickly the weeks are flying by. Of course, every week down means we're getting closer to our baby being born. The due da...11 years ago
Money Money Money!! - Do you ever have those days where you wish you owned three mansions and a private jet? Every now and again I throw off the shackles of contentment and b...12 years ago
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Friday, 27 January 2012
My Little Soapbox
I want to make something very clear. I'm not a racist. I couldn't care less what colour your skin is. I have friends, and I work with people who are indigenous Australians. I have no problem with them and aborigines as a people.
When, however, you burn my flag, when you deliberately take words spoken out of context and twist their meaning, saying that they inspire racism and hatred. Well then I have a problem.
What really got up my nose was one of these "peaceful protestors" saying that they only want to be treated as equals.
I have a solution for you. No government handouts, no special treatment, no cheap housing, no free education. You want to be treated equally, sure thing. Work hard for every cent. Scrimp and save to get the things you want. Work hard in school to get where you want to go in life (once again I know this isn't all indigenous people, some do work very hard to make a good life for themselves). Don't stand there with you hand out for your check each week and say that white Australians are racist towards you, that we are the ones that hate, that you don't have equal rights. Too right we don't have equal rights! I would love to take some time off work knowing all the bills would be paid, that I could study for free and live in cheap housing.
You want us to be equal, fine, hand back all the hand outs and treat us like normal human beings.
And don't ever burn our flag! Yes OUR flag, our heroes went to war under to make this a free country for ALL. You can choose to have your flag because you are proud of your heritage, fine with me, but don't disrespect our national symbol of freedom.
You want us to go home? We are home, this is as much my country as yours, I was born and bred here. I love Australia. You couldn't pay me enough money in all the world to live anywhere else. And while we go home, how about you go home, because your people weren't originally from here either.
Ok rant over. I know this isn't indicative of all aboriginals, it's always the few that give the rest a bad name. We need to get over the colour of our skin or who was here first. That's generations ago, it's nothing to do with me. We are all Australians start acting like it!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Sunday, 8 January 2012
One year ago....

Friday, 6 January 2012
New Year
This Sunday is our one year wedding anniversary! I can't believe that a year has gone so fast! The year has been hard in that we have moved so far away from everything we know and started new jobs etc, but I look at 2011 and I am very happy how it has all worked out, David is even happy living where we are now and with a stable, full time job. Still blows my mind that we have been married for a year, sometimes I still look at my rings and I'm shocked that I'm married. I was the girl who had given up on finding someone and getting married, thinking no one would want me, and then David came into my world and he is just amazing. This year we are going to try and start a family which is extremely exciting, I can't wait to be a mum! Happy anniversary for Sunday David, I love you so much!